Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ilmu Komputer Universitas Semarang 2020
Aplikasi Pengenalan Motif Batik Khas Yogyakarta Berbasis Multimedia Interaktif Sebagai Media untuk Melestarikan Budaya Lokal
Dublin Core
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ilmu Komputer Universitas Semarang 2020
Aplikasi Pengenalan Motif Batik Khas Yogyakarta Berbasis Multimedia Interaktif Sebagai Media untuk Melestarikan Budaya Lokal
Aplikasi Pengenalan Motif Batik Khas Yogyakarta Berbasis Multimedia Interaktif Sebagai Media untuk Melestarikan Budaya Lokal
seni batik, budaya, motif, multimedia.
batik art, culture, motifs, multimedia
batik art, culture, motifs, multimedia
Seni batik merupakan salah satu warisan budaya yang masih terus tumbuh dan berkembang dalam masyarakat. Batik merupakan warisan budaya yang banyak diminati, baik masyarakat lokal maupun mancanegara. Namun sangat di sayangkan jika daya tarik tersebut tidak sebanding dengan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang beragam motif batik yang ada. Mengangkat seni batik melalui media yang divisualkan adalah salah satu alternatif yang dapat di gunakan untuk meningkatkan apresiasi masyarakat terhadap seni batik. Diharapkan visualisasi ini mampu memunculkan kesadaran dan kecintaan masyarakat terhadap batik yang menjadi budaya bangsa, karena sangat di sayangkan jika seni batik yang merupakan warisan budaya hanya akan menjadi motif bernilai sama dengan kain pada umumnya. Dalam penelitian ini, telah dibuat sebuah aplikasi yang difokuskan pada pengenalan motif batik yang berasal dari kota Yogyakarta dengan memanfaatkan multimedia interaktif, dimana akan digabungkan beberapa komponen penyusun multimedia seperti, teks, suara, gambar, video dan animasi serta unsur inter aktivitas.
Batik art is one of the cultural heritages that is still growing and developing in society. Batik is a cultural heritage that is in great demand, both local and international communities. However, it is very unfortunate if the attraction is not comparable with people's knowledge of the various batik motifs that exist. Lifting the art of batik through visualized media is one alternative that can be used to increase public appreciation of the art of batik. It is hoped that this visualization will be able to raise people's awareness and love for batik which is the nation's culture, because it is very unfortunate if the art of batik which is a cultural heritage will only be a motive of the same value as cloth in general. In this research, an application has been made that focuses on the introduction of batik motifs originating from the city of Yogyakarta by utilizing interactive multimedia, which will combine several components of multimedia compilation such as text, sound, images, video and animation as well as interactivity elements.
Batik art is one of the cultural heritages that is still growing and developing in society. Batik is a cultural heritage that is in great demand, both local and international communities. However, it is very unfortunate if the attraction is not comparable with people's knowledge of the various batik motifs that exist. Lifting the art of batik through visualized media is one alternative that can be used to increase public appreciation of the art of batik. It is hoped that this visualization will be able to raise people's awareness and love for batik which is the nation's culture, because it is very unfortunate if the art of batik which is a cultural heritage will only be a motive of the same value as cloth in general. In this research, an application has been made that focuses on the introduction of batik motifs originating from the city of Yogyakarta by utilizing interactive multimedia, which will combine several components of multimedia compilation such as text, sound, images, video and animation as well as interactivity elements.
Renna Yanwastika Ariyana, Erma Susanti, Muhamad Mansyur
Universitas Semarang
27 Oktober 2020
Sri Wahyuni
ISSN: 2614-1205
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ilmu Komputer Universitas Semarang 2020
Renna Yanwastika Ariyana, Erma Susanti, Muhamad Mansyur, “Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ilmu Komputer Universitas Semarang 2020
Aplikasi Pengenalan Motif Batik Khas Yogyakarta Berbasis Multimedia Interaktif Sebagai Media untuk Melestarikan Budaya Lokal,” Repository Horizon University Indonesia, accessed November 21, 2024,
Aplikasi Pengenalan Motif Batik Khas Yogyakarta Berbasis Multimedia Interaktif Sebagai Media untuk Melestarikan Budaya Lokal,” Repository Horizon University Indonesia, accessed November 21, 2024,