Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ilmu Komputer Universitas Semarang 2022
Dermaga Otomatis Menggunakan Sensor Water Level Berbasis Arduino Bertenagakan Panel Surya
Dublin Core
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ilmu Komputer Universitas Semarang 2022
Dermaga Otomatis Menggunakan Sensor Water Level Berbasis Arduino Bertenagakan Panel Surya
Dermaga Otomatis Menggunakan Sensor Water Level Berbasis Arduino Bertenagakan Panel Surya
Dermaga, Arduino, Mikrokontroler, Sensor Water Level, Panel Surya
Dock, Arduino, Microcontroller, Sensor Water Level, Solar Panel
Dock, Arduino, Microcontroller, Sensor Water Level, Solar Panel
Dermaga otomatis adalah teknologi yang memungkinkan dermaga dapat naik dan turun secara otomatis berdasarkan ketinggian permukaan air, hal ini dapat memudahkan nelayan saat akan kembali ke pesisir dan mengikat kapalnya pada dermaga. Arduino terlebih dahulu di program menggunakan IDE arduino yang dikoneksikan ke komputer dengan kabel USB, kemudian dibuat sketch yang akan ditanamkan pada arduino. Mikrokontroler arduino ini akan mengontrol naik dan turunnya dermaga berdasarkan informasi dari sensor water level. Banyaknya perangkat elektronik yang digunakan tidak akan memakan banyak biaya untuk sumber listriknya, karena bersumber dari sumber energi terbarukan cahaya matahari yang ditangkap menggunakan panel surya. Komponen listrik juga akan terus dialiri selama 24 jam karena ada aki yang menjadi sumber tenaga saat malam hari. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu suatu konsep dermaga otomatis dengan sumber tenaga listrik yang berasal dari panel surya yang akan menghemat penggunaan listrik dan ramah akan lingkungan, karena listrik akan terus dialiri pada beban berupa sistem hidrolik dan pengontrol mikrokontroler arduino.
The automatic dock is a technology that allows the dock to rise and low automatically based on the water level, this can make it easier for fishermen to return to the coast and tie their boats to the dock. Arduino is first programmed using the Arduino IDE which is connected to a computer with a USB cable, then a sketch is made that will be embedded in the Arduino. This arduino microcontroller will control the rise and fall of the dock based on information from the water level sensor. The number of electronic devices used will not cost much for the electricity source, because it is sourced from renewable energy sources from sunlight captured using solar panels. Electrical components will also continue to flow for 24 hours because there is a battery that is a source of power at night. The result of this research is a concept of an automatic dock with a source of electricity coming from the solar panel which will save electricity usage and be environmentally friendly, because electricity will continue to flow to the load in the form of a hydraulic system and Arduino microcontroller controller.
The automatic dock is a technology that allows the dock to rise and low automatically based on the water level, this can make it easier for fishermen to return to the coast and tie their boats to the dock. Arduino is first programmed using the Arduino IDE which is connected to a computer with a USB cable, then a sketch is made that will be embedded in the Arduino. This arduino microcontroller will control the rise and fall of the dock based on information from the water level sensor. The number of electronic devices used will not cost much for the electricity source, because it is sourced from renewable energy sources from sunlight captured using solar panels. Electrical components will also continue to flow for 24 hours because there is a battery that is a source of power at night. The result of this research is a concept of an automatic dock with a source of electricity coming from the solar panel which will save electricity usage and be environmentally friendly, because electricity will continue to flow to the load in the form of a hydraulic system and Arduino microcontroller controller.
Amanda Rizkyta Hamidah
Universitas Semarang
19 Oktober 2022
Sri Wahyuni
ISSN: 2614-1205
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ilmu Komputer Universitas Semarang 2022
Amanda Rizkyta Hamidah, “Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ilmu Komputer Universitas Semarang 2022
Dermaga Otomatis Menggunakan Sensor Water Level Berbasis Arduino Bertenagakan Panel Surya,” Repository Horizon University Indonesia, accessed November 21, 2024,
Dermaga Otomatis Menggunakan Sensor Water Level Berbasis Arduino Bertenagakan Panel Surya,” Repository Horizon University Indonesia, accessed November 21, 2024,