TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
Usability improvement of public transit application through mental model and user journey
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TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
Usability improvement of public transit application through mental model and user journey
Usability improvement of public transit application through mental model and user journey
Mental model
User journey
User journey
Using a mobile application that is featured with local public transit information
can greatly improve user action, as well as assisting travelers to have a better
experience while taking public transit services. Crowd environment inside a
public transit is one of the most frequent causes that lead difficulties to
passengers when they engaging their mobile devices to access their apps or in
some conditions. Finding crucial information such as stops points and
remaining time to interchanges point when switching to another line becomes
more difficult in those conditions especially for foreigners who new in a
particular region. This study presents the combination of a mental model and
a usability approach to construct a user journey map that led to new insights
on user's experiences and challenges when utilizing their mobile local transit
application. This valuable information is a part of the elicitation process to
propose an alternative interaction method to enhance the usability and travel
experience of the public transit app. The experimental results indicate that in
contrast to the existing mobile transit app, the proposed interface with the
utilization of a wearable device could considerably enhance user action when
trying to reach the desired location in terms of total time and performance. It
implies that the proposed solution, which works through the mental model and
user journey is able to intuitively enhance the public transit app usability.
can greatly improve user action, as well as assisting travelers to have a better
experience while taking public transit services. Crowd environment inside a
public transit is one of the most frequent causes that lead difficulties to
passengers when they engaging their mobile devices to access their apps or in
some conditions. Finding crucial information such as stops points and
remaining time to interchanges point when switching to another line becomes
more difficult in those conditions especially for foreigners who new in a
particular region. This study presents the combination of a mental model and
a usability approach to construct a user journey map that led to new insights
on user's experiences and challenges when utilizing their mobile local transit
application. This valuable information is a part of the elicitation process to
propose an alternative interaction method to enhance the usability and travel
experience of the public transit app. The experimental results indicate that in
contrast to the existing mobile transit app, the proposed interface with the
utilization of a wearable device could considerably enhance user action when
trying to reach the desired location in terms of total time and performance. It
implies that the proposed solution, which works through the mental model and
user journey is able to intuitively enhance the public transit app usability.
Komang Candra Brata, Aryo Pinandito, Nurizal Dwi Priandani, Mahardeka Tri Ananta
Oct 23, 2020
peri irawan
Komang Candra Brata, Aryo Pinandito, Nurizal Dwi Priandani, Mahardeka Tri Ananta, “TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
Usability improvement of public transit application through mental model and user journey,” Repository Horizon University Indonesia, accessed March 12, 2025,
Usability improvement of public transit application through mental model and user journey,” Repository Horizon University Indonesia, accessed March 12, 2025,