Implementation and fndings on a one-minute sit-stand test for prehospital triage in patients with suspected COVID-19—a pilot project

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Implementation and fndings on a one-minute sit-stand test for prehospital triage in patients with suspected COVID-19—a pilot project


Prehospital Emergency Medical Services, Exercise testing, Corona virus disease 2019


Introduction: During the initial Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic wave, sparse personal protection
equipment made telephone triage of suscpeted COVID-19 patients for ambulance transport necessary. To spare
resources, stable patients were often treated and released on-scene, but reports from Italy suggested that some later
detoriated. We implemented a prehospital sit-stand test to identify patients in risk for detoriation.
Methods: The test was implemented as part of a new guideline in stable suspected COVID-19 patients younger than
70 years with no risk factors for serious disease triaged by general practitioners to ambulance response in the Central Denmark Region. Data were collected from April 6th to July 6th 2020. The primary outcome for this study was the
proportion of patients treated with oxygen within 7 days among patients decompensating vs patients not decompensating during the test.
Results: Data on 156 patients triaged to ambulance response by general practioners were analysed. In total 86/156
(55%) were tested with the sit-stand test. Due to of-guideline use of the test, 30/86 (34.8%) were either older than
70 or had risk factors for serious disease. 10/156 (6%) of patients had a positive COVID-19-test. In total, 17/86 (20%)
decompensated during the test and of these, 9/17 (53%) were treated with oxygen compared to 2/69 (3%) in patients
who did not decompensate (p<0.001).
Conclusion: In a population suspected of COVID-19 but with a low COVD-19 prevalence, decompensation with
the sit-stand test was observed in 20% of patients and was associated with oxygen treatment within 7 days. These
fndings are hypotheses-generating and suggest that physical exercise testing may be usefull for decision making in
emergency settings.


Julie Kjerulf, Allan Bach, Ulla Væggemose, Søren Helbo Skaarup and Morten Thingemann Bøtker


BMC Emergency Medicine


(2022) 22:54


Fajar bagus W









,Repository, Repository Horizon University Indonesia, Repository Universitas Horizon Indonesia,, Horizon University Indonesia, Universitas Horizon Indonesia, HorizonU, Repo Horizon , ,Repository, Repository Horizon University Indonesia, Repository Universitas Horizon Indonesia,, Horizon University Indonesia, Universitas Horizon Indonesia, HorizonU, Repo Horizon , ,Repository, Repository Horizon University Indonesia, Repository Universitas Horizon Indonesia,, Horizon University Indonesia, Universitas Horizon Indonesia, HorizonU, Repo Horizon ,


Julie Kjerulf, Allan Bach, Ulla Væggemose, Søren Helbo Skaarup and Morten Thingemann Bøtker, “Implementation and fndings on a one-minute sit-stand test for prehospital triage in patients with suspected COVID-19—a pilot project,” Repository Horizon University Indonesia, accessed March 12, 2025,