Dublin Core



Collection Items

Association between post-extubation upper airway obstruction symptoms and airway size measured by computed tomography: a single-center observational study
Background: Computed tomography (CT) is often performed to assess patients; however, little is known about
how airway size measured by CT scan imaging might infuence the occurrence of post-extubation upper airway
Methods: This study…

Comparing the prehospital NEWS with in-hospital ESI in predicting 30-day severe  outcomes in emergency patients
Background: In Iran, the emergency departments (EDs) have largely adopted the emergency severity index (ESI) to
prioritize the emergency patients, however emergency medical services (EMS) mainly triage the patients based on
the paramedics’…

Comparison of the outcomes of EMS vs. Non-EMS transport of patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) in Southern Iran: a population-based study
Background: In the medical management of acute myocardial infarction, the transport of patients and primary
care provided by emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and paramedics are efective in reducing the mortality and
disabilities. Therefore,…

Efect of age adjustment on two triage methods
Background: Most emergency departments rely on acuity assessment, triage, to recognize critically ill patients that
need urgent treatment, and to allocate resources according to need. The accuracy of commonly used triage instruments such as the…

Efect of implementing quality control management in the treatment of severely injured patients: a retrospective cohort study in a level I trauma center in China
Background: This study aimed to review the impact of quality control management on the treatment of severely
injured patients.
Methods: A retrospective analysis was conducted on patients with severe injury (injury severity score [ISS]≥16)…

Epidemiology, injury characteristics and clinical outcomes of bicycle and motorcycle accidents in the under 20 population: South Korea
Background: Bicycles and motorcycles are a main means of transportation and leisure for individuals aged under
20 years in South Korea. We aimed to identify the epidemiology of injuries and describe and compare patterns of
injury and clinical…

Hand grenade blast injuries in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo: a case series of 38 patients
Introduction: The armed confict in the Kivu province of the Democratic Republic of Congo has caused close to
12,000 deaths. One of the most lethal weapons in armed conficts is the high explosive hand grenade. The study
aimed to describe the…

Implementation and fndings on a one-minute sit-stand test for prehospital triage in patients with suspected COVID-19—a pilot project
Introduction: During the initial Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic wave, sparse personal protection
equipment made telephone triage of suscpeted COVID-19 patients for ambulance transport necessary. To spare
resources, stable patients…

Management of intoxicated patients – a descriptive outcome analysis of 4,267 ICU patients
Introduction: Intoxications are common in intensive care units (ICUs). The number of causative substances is large,
mortality usually low. This retrospective cohort study aims to characterize diferences of intoxicated compared to
general ICU…

Pain management of nalbuphine and sufentanil in patients admitted intensive care unit of diferent ages
Background: Pain relief for patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) can improve treatment outcomes and reduce the
burden on doctors and nurses. This study aims to report the clinical analgesic and sedative efects of nalbuphine and
sufentanil on…
View all 21 items

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