Performance of Interconnected Hybrid ZigBee-Optic for Extended Wireless Sensor Networks

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Performance of Interconnected Hybrid ZigBee-Optic for Extended Wireless Sensor Networks


hybrid; optic; range; wireless sensor networks; ZigBee


Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are widely used to monitor remote areasfar away from the monitoring center. For large-scale or high-capacity WSNs, when they contain many sensor nodes, a transmission system with low latency and large bandwidthis required. In order to extend the network range,the use of optical communication is one of the alternativesto provide more capacity and a longerrange. This study discusses the performance of a range-extended WSN utilizing a hybrid of ZigBee and optic transmission. The performanceof the proposed method was evaluated by analyzing the throughput, delay per meter, package loss,and error, which were then compared toaZigBee-Wifi basedsystem. The experimentalresultsshowedthat the throughput of the hybrid ZigBee-Fiber Optic (ZigBee FO) system wasabout 12% greater than that of the ZigBee-Wifi system, and it transmittedthe sensor data with a significantly lowerdelay, reducedby83%,compared to the ZigBee-Wifi. The package loss and error of ZigBee-FOwas35.7% lower than that of ZigBee-Wifi. Based on these results, the ZigBee-FOWSN hasthe advantage of significantly improving network performance by reducing the transmission delay,therefore it is beneficial in extending the WSNrange.Keywords:hybrid; optic; range; wireless sensor networks; ZigBee.1IntroductionWireless sensor networks(WSNs) containseveral nodes with sensors to monitor site conditions [1]. Sensor nodes maybe located in areas that are difficult for humans to access due to their safety, distance, and also communication capabilities [2]. A ZigBee-based WSN isasensor network thatutilizesthe ZigBee standard, which is the key technology to implement massive and real-time monitoring,for example in smart cities,since it has low power consumption, a low price, and a large network capacity, and is reliable and secure [3]. ZigBee-based WSNs can haveup to tens of thousands connected nodes. However, if only a radio frequency (RF)-based wireless ad-hoc network is used in a large-scale sensor network, it requires too many hops,which causes address assignment and time delay problems [3], triggeringhazardous network congestion [2]. The


Octarina Nur Samijayani, Aina Sabrina, Raihan Zaky Thamrin, Dwi Astharini&Ary Syahriar



Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia




Fajar bagus W









Octarina Nur Samijayani, Aina Sabrina, Raihan Zaky Thamrin, Dwi Astharini&Ary Syahriar, “Performance of Interconnected Hybrid ZigBee-Optic for Extended Wireless Sensor Networks,” Repository Horizon University Indonesia, accessed March 12, 2025,