Volume 27, Issue 2

Dublin Core


Volume 27, Issue 2

Collection Items

How to moderate emotional exhaustion among public healthcare professionals?
This paper analyzes the mediating role of employees’ emotional exhaustion between laissez-faire leadership and employees’ job attitudes (intrinsic satisfaction and turnover intention), and also the moderating role of influence at work, interactional…

Transient nature of the employees’ job satisfaction: The case of the IT industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina
In a time of persistent and fierce “war for talents,” which is naturally inherentto the knowledge-intensive industries,the issue of employees’ job satisfaction is ofthe utmost managerial significance. In that respect, this study explores certain…

Do firms benefit from interactions with public research organisations beyond innovation? An analysis of small firms
In this paper we argue that there is an extensive number of studies examining how firms obtain new products from their interactions with scientific agents, but other type of benefits has been overlooked. Specifically, we add to previous literature…

A business model adoption based on tourism innovation: Applying a gratification theory to mobile applications
The purpose of this paper is to improve understanding of Tourism Innovation by using a Uses and Gratification Theory model to investigate tourist intention to visit a city after reading other users' valuations of the destination on Mobile…

Do clusters matter for foreign subsidiaries in the Era of industry 4.0? The case of the aviation valley in Poland
Many scholars underline the significance of clusters for knowledge spillovers and related benefits in terms of innovation and firm competitiveness. The Industry 4.0 technological scenario emphasizes dispersed technologically interconnected…

Is there a problem with tourist use housing?
In the last five years, home rentals for tourists have generated significant media and social concern. Since the economic crisis of 2007−2008, online platforms have emerged that have boosted the collaborative economy and provided security and trust.…

Analysing academics’ entrepreneurial opportunities: The influence of academic self-efficacy and networks
Academic entrepreneurial opportunities are a key factor in the development of new spin-offs. This study examines the relationship between academic entrepreneurial opportunities perceived by academics and these academics’ entrepreneurial self-efficacy…

The background music-content congruence of TV advertisements : A neurophysiological study
Music affects viewers’ responses to advertisements. In this study we present the findings of an experiment that investigates the emotional and cognitive reactions of subjects’ brains during exposure to television advertisements with music congruent,…
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