Collection: Prosiding Internasional Keperawatan Proceedings of the International Conference on Nursing and Health Sciences, Volume 4 No 1.January.June 2023
Obesity and its complications are a major nutritional problem worldwide, broadly impacting various organ
systems. It causes a negative effect on the risk of obesity-induced cardiovascular disease (CVD). Guidelines
recommend MUFA in dietary therapy…
One of the factors causing excess nutritional status in female adolescent (FA) is due to the lack of fiber
consumption. The West Sumatra Riskesdas 2019: 82.53% of adolescents in Padang consume less fiber and
the prevalence of overweight among FA is…
Obesity and its complications are a major nutritional problem worldwide, broadly impacting various organ
systems. It causes a negative effect on the risk of obesity-induced cardiovascular disease (CVD). Guidelines
recommend MUFA in dietary therapy…
Obesity is a complex chronic disease that becomes the main factor of cardiometabolic diseases such as
heart diseases, stroke and diabetes mellitus. Oxidative stress is involved in the obesity pathogenesis. Diet
and physical exercise are recommended…
Protein-energy deficiency (PED) is a major infant health problem in developing countries with high
mortality rate. Inadequate food intake and infectious diseases are the main factors for PED. In clinical
setting, branded foods are commonly used to…
Anemia remains a global nutritional problem, which prevalence continues to increase every year. Children,
female adolescents, and pregnant women are more susceptible to anemia than other age groups. Prolonged
anemia has negative impacts on their…
Patients with obesity often fail to control their body weight through diet and physical activity, while the
existing anti-obesity drugs have some side effects for long-term use. Banana is Indonesia's tropical fruits
with the highest production, and…
Overweight and obesity, among others, arise from not choosing food intake properly. It was triggered by a
shift in people-trend which prefer to buy food outside than at home, mainly during college period. Student
food choices that are characterized…
Obesity is a complex and severe problem whose prevalence has increased significantly in the last few
decades, posing a significant risk to human health. Various weight loss strategies are currently used, and
different weight loss supplements are…
Tags:catechin; gambir; obesity,Repository, Repository Horizon University Indonesia, Repository Universitas Horizon Indonesia,, Horizon University Indonesia, Universitas Horizon Indonesia, HorizonU, Repo Horizon , prosiding internasional keperawatan
In 2023, the global prevalence of anemia among female adolescents is projected to reach 32.8%, indicating
a persistently high prevalence. The primary cause of anemia is iron deficiency, and its common signs and
symptoms include weakness, fatigue,…