Collection: Prosiding Internasional Keperawatan Proceedings of the International Conference on Nursing and Health Sciences, Volume 4 No 1.January.June 2023
Patient satisfaction is a feeling of pleasure that is felt for hospitalized patients because getting optimal
servicequality. In providing nursing services, Standard Procedure Operational (SPO) is very important to
help nurses achieve a quality of…
Overweight and obesity, among others, arise from not choosing food intake properly. It was triggered by a
shift in people-trend which prefer to buy food outside than at home, mainly during college period. Student
food choices that are characterized…
Overall, it is estimated that 15% of pregnant women experience serious obstetric complications and require
treatment in the maternal emergency department (IGD Maternal) at the community health center
(Puskesmas). However, sometimes in health…
Someone who has reached the age of 60 years and over often appears various disorders, one of the disorders
experienced by the elderly is joint pain or bone disease known as Rheumatoid arthritis. Joint pain caused by
inflammation of the joints that…
Indonesian people have also long known and used medicinal plants to overcome various health problems,
some traditional preparations such as beras kencur for breastfeeding mothers are believed to relieve
disorders during breastfeeding consisting of…
ASIA is a continent with many people who still have and use biomass or solid fuel use (SFU) for cooking
and various household air pollution. Previous research has mentioned the negative effects of household
air pollution on the incidence of acute…
Tags:acute respiratory tract infection,Repository, Repository Horizon University Indonesia, Repository Universitas Horizon Indonesia,, Horizon University Indonesia, Universitas Horizon Indonesia, HorizonU, Repo Horizon , asia; children under five; household air pollution; metaanalysis,Repository, Repository Horizon University Indonesia, Repository Universitas Horizon Indonesia,, Horizon University Indonesia, Universitas Horizon Indonesia, HorizonU, Repo Horizon , prosiding internasional keperawatan
Optimal breastfeeding practices are the key to reducing stunting in children under the age of five.
Breastfeeding mothers in carrying out their roles are often faced with various challenges. Lack of confidence
in breastfeeding mothers can affect…
The prevalence of stunting in Indonesia until 2022 is still 24.4% (UNICEF Indonesia, 2022), still way below
standard WHO is a maximum of 20% (WHO, 2018). Stunting is the failure of growth and development of
children due to chronic lack of…
The community health center is one of the first level health service facilities that is required to maintain
medical records. Medical record is a document that contains patient identity data, examinations, treatment,
actions, and other services…
COVID-19 is a highly contagious and pathogenic viral infection. To determine the effect of health education
through online media on the knowledge and skills in breastfeeding during the Covid-19 pandemic. The
research was conducted with a…