This study aims to predict students'investment intentions in the Indonesia Stock Exchange.The questions in this study arewhether financialknowledge shows a significant effect on studentinvestment…
Regional income is a source of income for local governments that hold every activity that has an allocation of funds for people. The purpose of this study is to study and analyze the structure of regional income with…
The delivery of sale secondhand motorized retail of which is subject to a value-added tax of the output of 10% of the business circulation. According to regulations, Taxable Entrepreneurs may only credit input taxes of …
The Indonesian government, issued a number of policies to help exporters to be able to compete in the world market by exempting import duties or returning import duties on imported goods for export purposes in the form of Bonded…
Technological development is very rapid, many things are very influential with the presence of the internet, many consumers are spoiled by online shopping, with this it will make it easier for transactions between …
The purpose of this research is to test and analyze theeffect of capital structure, company growth, and inflation on firm value with profitability as intervening variable. The population in this research ismanufacturing…
This study aims to determine the effect of profitability (ROA), leverage (DER) and liquidity (CR) on corporate value (PBV) in foodand beverage manufacturing companies listed on the Jakarta Stock Exchange. Research …
This study aims to determine the effect of the leader member exchange, organizational culture, employee engagement on organizational citizenship behavior. This typeof research isdescriptive verification method. The …
The textile and apparel industries are labor-intensive and capital-intensive industries. The focus of this research looks at the competitiveness of textiles and apparel in Indonesia, China and India. The research method used is…
This study aims to analyze the effect of managing the diversity of human resources on the performance of employees of PT. Lontar Papyrus Pulp & Paper Industry. The study population was all employees of PT. Lontar …