Research focus: 1. Knowing the partial influence of profit sharing on customers' decisions to save in Bmt Nu Area South Banyuwangi 2. Knowing the partial influence of brand image on customers' decisions to save in Bmt Nu Area…
This research aims to determine marketing strategies that can be implemented to improve marketing performance at Zeribowl Dessert using the SWOT analysis method. This research method uses a qualitative method with a descriptive …
PT Buana Wiralestari Mas is a private company engaged in theplantationandpalmoilprocessingplant,whichisasubsidiaryofPTSinarMas,emphasizesitsresponsibilitytotheenvironment by managing environmental costs arising from …
Theproblemsthatcausepublictransportationarelessdesirablebecausetherailwaynetwork is still very limited, public transportation services still need to be improved, …
This article delves into the critical role of accounting information quality in shaping investment decisions from the perspective of investors in the capital market. The research aims to explore how the quality of …
This study aims to determine the Marketing Mix Strategy in an Islamic Economic Perspective on Gold Pawn Products (Case Study of Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP Kisaran). Data sources are obtained from primary data, namely through …
Employees are a very important role in the company PT GunungMelayu -Asian Agri to increase the production that the companywantstoachieve.Laboristhesecondmostimportantfactorofproduction, because it is through the services of labor that …
The internal control system at Minimarket Omi Kawan Hinca Bandar Pulau is implemented to determine whether the management system has been implemented properly or not and to avoid fraud in the inventory of goods. The internal…
Remote Workingwork system at PT Pelindo Regional I Belawan, and measure the comparison of employee productivity. This research uses a comparative qualitative approach with a focus on individuals and research subjects. Data collection …