This research is a study that studies the influence of investment knowledge and returns on investment decisions through investment interest in Bekasi City. This research uses a quantitative approach and population of this study…
Happen fluctuations in stock returns in coal sub-sector companies for the 2018-2022 period. This research aims to determine the effect of return on equity, net profit margin, debt to equity ratio, and dividend payout ratio on stock returns in coal…
In this era of globalization and increasing cross-border activity, transfer pricing is a topic that is increasingly discussed and of concern to multinational companies and tax authorities.Several countries have adopted transfer pricing …
This study seeks to assess how tax planning, deferred tax expenses, and deferred tax assets impact profit management within energy sector firms listed on the IndonesianStock Exchange. Employing an associative research …
Manipulation of financial statements for personal or organizational objectives that could cause harm to others is known as financial statement fraud. After advancing through the triangle, diamond, and pentagon models, the notion …
This article explores Competency-Based Performance Management Practices (CBPMP) within the context of driving employee career development, focusing on a case study in a financial services company. The literature review …
Financial distress is a condition where the company cannot or has difficulty fulfilling its obligations to creditors. This study aims to analyze the effect of profitability, sales growth, leverage, cash flow ratio and…
This study aims to examine the influence of financial literacy and income moderated by lifestyle on financial behavior in Karawang district civil servants. The sampling method in this research is probability sampling …
The purpose of this research is to determine the extent of the influence of company profitability, the company's methods of solvency in fulfilling its obligations, company size, and the relationship between clients and auditors on …
This study proposes a syirkah model forgold monetizationas a product innovation opportunity alternativein Islamic Financial Institutions (IFI) towards bullion bank activity implementation because of Act of Law No. 4 of 2023 about P2SK.…