This research aims to test and analyze the influence of financial technology on saving behavior with self-control as a mediating variable in Generation Z. Developments in financial technology influence the way Generation …
Investment has gotten more known and popular since a few years back, particularly during the pandemic. The growth itself was majorly contributed by people within the age group of Generation Z. One of the most contributing …
The Du Pont Analysis is a method of evaluating financial performance that breaks down Return on Equity into its main components. Common Size Analysis involves presenting financial statements by converting each account …
This research tries to analyze the influence of the work environment and compensation on performance mediated by motivation in online motorcycle taxi drivers in Bekasi City. This research was conducted using a …
This research examines the development strategy of MSMEs in Malang City, Indonesia, during the Covid-19 pandemic. The goals are to evaluate the impact of the Pentahelix model on MSMEs, create an analytical model highlighting…
Technological developments support the digitalization of investment instruments. Hence, investment in mutual funds is one of the instruments that has experienced a positive trend and can survive economic instability. The success…
In the process of implementing the principles of credit union, credit union certainly focuses on the importance of realizing social and Human Development. (World Council of Credit Union's (WOCCU), 2007).In achieving this goal, the …
Employee engagement plays a crucial role in enhancing organizational performance, particularly among the millennial workforce. This study aims to investigate the determinants of employee engagement and its impact on millennial…
The business world has become increasingly competitive lately. Business people must optimize their organizational performance to compete in the global market amidst an increasingly tight competitive environment. MSMEs or micro, small and medium…
The aim of this research is to test whether attitudes, subjective norms, behavioral control, pressure and opportunities influence the interest of staff in Sharia Banking to commit fraud. The survey was conducted on a sample of 35 sharia banking…