This research aims to find out the main priority strategies for oil palm farmers in increasing income in terms of post-transformation sharia maqashid in Labuhanbatu district, North Sumatra province by presenting the internal and …
This research is a study that studies the influence of investment knowledge and returns on investment decisions through investment interest in Bekasi City. This research uses a quantitative approach and population of this study…
This research aims to see the extent of the problem of zakat in alleviating poverty in North Sumatra. This research method uses a descriptive qualitative method with a quantitative approach. For analysis, use the ANP (Analytic Network …
This study proposes a syirkah model forgold monetizationas a product innovation opportunity alternativein Islamic Financial Institutions (IFI) towards bullion bank activity implementation because of Act of Law No. 4 of 2023 about P2SK.…
This research aims to find empirical evidence of influence digital finance, managerial biases,and financial literacy on the MSMEs financial behavior. The population of this research is all MSMEs in DKI Jakarta. The sample used in…
This study aims to examine the influence of financial literacy and income moderated by lifestyle on financial behavior in Karawang district civil servants. The sampling method in this research is probability sampling …
Gender diversity/Board Gender Diversity (BGD) as an issue in human resource management. This research reviews the impact of gender diversity on the performance of companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in 2023.…
Technological developments support the digitalization of investment instruments. Hence, investment in mutual funds is one of the instruments that has experienced a positive trend and can survive economic instability. The success…
The need for banks to retain and acquire new customers amid an increasingly competitive business environment drives this research. Using Relationship Marketing, a marketing approach that emphasizes long-term relationships …
The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze: (1) Patient service quality at Clinic X, (2) Patient trust at Clinic X, (3) Patient loyalty at Clinic X, (4) Service quality on patient trust at Clinic X, (5) How much influence does service…