Browse Items (65 total)

3403-Article Text-16435-1-10-20241118.pdf
The purpose of this study was to test and analyze the effect of corporate risk management, leverage, and company size on firm value, both partially and simultaneously with the research subject of textile and garment subsector…

3601-Article Text-16937-1-10-20241203.pdf
Thisstudyinvestigateshowprice,productquality,andpromotionimpactconsumerdecisionstopurchaseshoesatAl-ShoesAirTirisKamparStore.Thisstudyusesaquantitativeapproach, and data are collected through questionnaires distributed to participants. In …

3540-Article Text-17283-1-10-20241210.pdf
This study examined the impact of sustainability and dividend policy on the value of healthcare companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) from 2019 to 2023. The dependent variable in this analysis was company value, represented by the…

3437-Article Text-17090-1-10-20241207.pdf
This research aims to find out whether every year audit delays are affected by Financial distress, Profitability,andLeverage.ThesamplecamefromtheIndonesiaStockExchange(IDX)bycollectingdataandthenusingtheSecondaryVariable Quantitative…

3539-Article Text-16858-1-10-20241130.pdf
This study examines the influence of service quality, facilities, and pricing on customer satisfaction in Barbershop Swales, Pontianak. This research addresses the growing demands of the barbershop industry, focusing on how these …

3602-Article Text-16316-1-10-20241111.pdf
The research aims to understand: (1) The influence of brand image on customer loyalty with consumer satisfaction, (2) The influence of product quality on customer loyalty with consumer satisfaction, (3) The influence of brand …

3499-Article Text-16822-1-10-20241129.pdf
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of capital, labor and technology on the performance of MSMEs with the application of digital accounting as a moderating variable. This study was conducted on 100 respondents of MSME…

3298-Article Text-16324-1-10-20241111.pdf
Enhancing employee motivation and performance is crucial for effectively achieving organizational objectives. This study aims to examine the impact of leadership style and employee placement on motivation, as well …

3271-Article Text-16171-1-10-20241101.pdf
The goals to be attained in the research study are to: establish management design, workplace, staff member inspiration plus efficiency; examine the impact of management design plus office straight and also indirectly on staff member…

3587-Article Text-16975-1-10-20241204.pdf
We often see the use of Hebel as a building wall, especially nowadays, because it is large and light, so the building can be completed more quickly. So product quality is a very important point in making consumer purchasing decisions, if the …
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