Collection: Prosiding Internasional Keperawatan Proceedings of the International Conference on Nursing and Health Sciences, Volume 4 No 1.January.June 2023
Hospitals are said to be of good quality as evidenced by the performance of hospital administrative officers
in hospital services which are supported by a good human resource recruitment system. Based on the
preliminary survey, it is known that…
Many Indonesian plants have the potential to have anti-acne activity, one of which is the red betel plant.
Red betel leaf (Piper crocatum) contains flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, and essential oils which are thought
to be used as antimicrobials.…
One of the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plans (RPJMN) of the Ministry of Health is
directed at increasing the control of Tuberculosis (TB). Several factors supporting the success of
Tuberculosis (TB) treatment are a strong desire to…
Uric acid and Cholesterol cause inflammation accompanied deformity knees and legs. Health problems in
the elderly come from declining body cells, so the function and body endurance decreased along with
increased risk factors for diseases.…
Tags:cholesterol; elderly; gout,Repository, Repository Horizon University Indonesia, Repository Universitas Horizon Indonesia,, Horizon University Indonesia, Universitas Horizon Indonesia, HorizonU, Repo Horizon , prosiding internasional keperawatan
Someone who has reached the age of 60 years and over often appears various disorders, one of the disorders
experienced by the elderly is joint pain or bone disease known as Rheumatoid arthritis. Joint pain caused by
inflammation of the joints that…
Hypertension is a cerebral vascular disorder where the cerebral blood vessels are narrowed and cause a
minimum supply of oxygen and nutrients to brain tissue or blockage. This literature study applied the PICOT
framework with Google Scholar, Scien…
The compounds contained in Moringa leaves are rich in phenolic acids, flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins,
glucosinolates and isothiocyanates, all of which are antioxidants. Moringa leaves contain B2 which is useful
for treating and maintaining skin…
Hypertension is a major cause of premature death worldwide. Some complementary health approaches are
showing promise to lowering blood pressure, one of which is progressive muscle relaxation (PMR). This
study aimed to determine the effectiveness od…
The community health center is one of the first level health service facilities that is required to maintain
medical records. Medical record is a document that contains patient identity data, examinations, treatment,
actions, and other services…
Hospitalization is a crisis situation that occurs in children when they are treated at the hospital, one of the
conditions experienced by children when they are sick is the reduced need for sleep. The quality of sleep in
children is very necessary…