Collection: Prosiding Internasional Keperawatan Proceedings of the International Conference on Nursing and Health Sciences, Volume 4 No 1.January.June 2023
Diabetic foot ulcers are the fastest growing chronic complications of diabetes mellitus, unmanaged diabetic
complications such as diabetic foot ulcers will have a negative impact on the quality of life of individuals,
health education, information…
Vulva hygiene is an individual effort to maintain the cleanliness of the private area which all women should
do. But not all women, especially young women are able to do it properly and correctly. The prevalence of
leucorrhoea management in…
Patient satisfaction is a feeling of pleasure that is felt for hospitalized patients because getting optimal
servicequality. In providing nursing services, Standard Procedure Operational (SPO) is very important to
help nurses achieve a quality of…
Hospitals are said to be of good quality as evidenced by the performance of hospital administrative officers
in hospital services which are supported by a good human resource recruitment system. Based on the
preliminary survey, it is known that…
Patient registration is very important in health care services. Various strategies have been implemented in
optimizing services, one of which is by developing a web-based outpatient registration system. The purpose
of this study is to build a…
The number of incidents in people with hypertension lacks physical activity resulting in complications of
hypertension such as heart disease, kidney failure and stroke. Efforts that can be made to lower blood
pressure with non-pharmacological…