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491-Article Text-897-2-10-20220302.pdf
Therapiddevelopmentofthetimesaccompaniedbyincreasinglysophisticatedtechnologyhas an impact on various company activities, especiallyonmanagerialaspects.Eventhoughcompaniesandorganizations have modern technology, companies …

452-Article Text-829-1-10-20200814.pdf
Good corporate governance or commonly called as GCG can be said as a tool for control of corporate decision making that is fair and accountable. So that the decision taken by the company management has considered all…

451-Article Text-827-1-10-20200814.pdf
Basket cakes (some call them baskets), named after their printed basket-shaped containers, are cakes made from sticky rice flour and sugar and have a sticky and sticky texture. This cake is one of the typical cakes or mandatory …

450-Article Text-825-2-10-20200823.pdf
The research of "Effect of Working Capital, Return on Assets and Company Size on the Amount of Micro and Small Medium Enterprises Loans at National Banks in Indonesia in Pra COVID-19" was conducted using Multiple Linear …

438-Article Text-808-1-10-20200810.pdf
Corporate Social Responsibility as the implementation of Good Corporate Governance at PT Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk. The purpose of this article is to provide a theoretical overview of Corporate Social Responsibility implemented at …

432-Article Text-801-1-10-20200806.pdf
Good Corporate Governance is corporate governance that explains the relationships between various participants in the company that determine the direction of the company's performance. Good corporate governance is corporate…

431-Article Text-799-1-10-20200806.pdf
CV. Hakhenbikisacompany engaged in the field of furniture and equipment of the school with its production material made from solid wood that has durable strength, and not easily damaged and has a high selling price. On …

424-Article Text-790-1-10-20200729.pdf
The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that influence the Debt to Asset Ratio which is a proxy of Capital Structure as the dependent variable. Theindependent variables studied as determinants of Capital Structure (DAR)…

423-Article Text-788-1-10-20200729.pdf
The Covid-19 pandemic that has struck the world worldwide has had a major impact, particularly on the economic and socio-cultural conditions of every person in every country. No exception in Indonesia, which has not escaped and is…

422-Article Text-786-1-10-20200729.pdf
In the third quarter of 2018, growth in the hospitality sector by 4, 31% suffered a decline compared to growth in the third quarter of 2017 by 5, 58%. This is due to the increasingly intense competition in the …
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