Browse Items (46 total)

2512-Article Text-12788-1-10-20240805.pdf
The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze: (1) Patient service quality at Clinic X, (2) Patient trust at Clinic X, (3) Patient loyalty at Clinic X, (4) Service quality on patient trust at Clinic X, (5) How much influence does service…

2595-Article Text-9248-1-10-20240503.pdf
Employee engagement plays a crucial role in enhancing organizational performance, particularly among the millennial workforce. This study aims to investigate the determinants of employee engagement and its impact on millennial…

2488-Article Text-9249-1-10-20240503.pdf
This study proposes a syirkah model forgold monetizationas a product innovation opportunity alternativein Islamic Financial Institutions (IFI) towards bullion bank activity implementation because of Act of Law No. 4 of 2023 about P2SK.…

2539-Article Text-9253-1-10-20240503.pdf
The purpose of this research is to conduct an analysis of the Internal Control System, Implementation of Government Accounting Standards, Utilization of Information Technology, Quality of Human Resources on the quality of…

2589-Article Text-9338-2-10-20240509.pdf
The need for banks to retain and acquire new customers amid an increasingly competitive business environment drives this research. Using Relationship Marketing, a marketing approach that emphasizes long-term relationships …

2541-Article Text-9348-2-10-20240523.pdf
The business world has become increasingly competitive lately. Business people must optimize their organizational performance to compete in the global market amidst an increasingly tight competitive environment. MSMEs or micro, small and medium…

2408-Article Text-9473-1-10-20240511.pdf
The purpose of this studyDigitalization of Taxation and Taxpayer Complianceis to re-examine how digitalization, attitude, social norms and perceived behavioral controlaffecttaxpayercompliancebased on a phenomenon that occurs …

2619-Article Text-9515-1-10-20240512.pdf
Financial distress is a condition where the company cannot or has difficulty fulfilling its obligations to creditors. This study aims to analyze the effect of profitability, sales growth, leverage, cash flow ratio and…

2503-Article Text-9516-1-10-20240512.pdf
This study aims to examine the influence of financial literacy and income moderated by lifestyle on financial behavior in Karawang district civil servants. The sampling method in this research is probability sampling …

2556-Article Text-9519-1-10-20240512.pdf
This study aims to investigate the role of leadership in improving human experience in performance management. Leadership has been recognized as a key factor inshaping an organizational culture that supports growth, …
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