Collection: Prosiding Internasional Keperawatan Proceedings of the International Conference on Nursing and Health Sciences, Volume 4 No 1.January.June 2023
Protein-energy deficiency (PED) is a major infant health problem in developing countries with high
mortality rate. Inadequate food intake and infectious diseases are the main factors for PED. In clinical
setting, branded foods are commonly used to…
Stunting is growth failure in toddlers due to chronic malnutrition and causes children to become short.
Stunting is often known as stunting, a state of growth failure in toddlers as indicated by a height-for-age
Diarrhea has an impact on children's health, one of which is dehydration. Laboratory studies and clinical
trials, pure honey has bactericidal activity that causes diarrhea. Giving honey is useful in reducing the
frequency of diarrhea in children.…
Obesity is an accumulation of fat body condition due to calories and energy imbalance. Obesity often
coexists with low vitamin D status. Low vitamin D status is known to establish abnormality in lipid profile
and increasing weight. This study aims…
Hospitals are said to be of good quality as evidenced by the performance of hospital administrative officers
in hospital services which are supported by a good human resource recruitment system. Based on the
preliminary survey, it is known that…
Online learning needs to be a concern because it has positive and negative impacts, this can cause student
stress due to various influencing factors. Procrastination is the tendency to postpone a task or job. Social
support is something that needs…
Hospitalization is a crisis situation that occurs in children when they are treated at the hospital, one of the
conditions experienced by children when they are sick is the reduced need for sleep. The quality of sleep in
children is very necessary…
Prediction is a forecasting process that will occur in the future with prior information, systematically in order
to minimize errors. This study aims to determine the prediction of midwifery Indicators at Ir. Soekarno
Sukoharjo in 2022-2024. This…
The global strategy of infant and child feeding states that prevention of infant mortality is exclusive
breastfeeding for 6 months along with continued breastfeeding until the age of 2 years or more. But there
are still many breastfeeding mothers…